CONFERENCES / ACADEMIC DISSEMINATION The transdisciplinary work between art, science, philosophy and education has allowed us to participate in various seminars, symposia, talks and workshops at universities and laboratories in Chile and Europe. The most prominents are: 2020. University of Barcelona, Elisava design school and Fablab Barcelona (ESP). Meditative Symbiosis Talk: transdisciplinarity at the crossing art-science 2019. Ars Electronica Festival 2019 (AT).Talk: Chilean artist at Ars Electronica. Linz, Austria 2019. University of Los Andes (CL). Conference: Transdisciplinary at the intersection of art-science. Second Art-Science Symposium 2019. Contemporary Art Museum(CL). Conference: The challenges in the epistemological intersection of art and science. Campo Abierto Seminar 2018. Alberto Hurtado University (CL). Conference: The transdisciplinary in the classroom, an encounter between philosophy and visual arts 2018. University of Chile (CL). Lecture: Abstract thinking in childhood. A transdisciplinary research between art and philosophy 2019. Contemporary Art Museum(CL). Conference: The challenges in the epistemological intersection of art and science. Campo Abierto Seminar. Integrants: Camilo Gouet (biologist), Karin Astudillo (philosopher), Jean-Danton Laffert ![]() ![]() 2020. Fablab Barcelona (ESP). Talk: "Meditative Symbiosis: transdisciplinarity at the crossing art-science". Karin Astudillo and Jean-Danton Laffert 2019. Fablab U. Chile.(CL).Talk: Meditative Symbiosis at Ars Electrónica. Esteban Norambuena (industrial designer), Karin Astudillo and Jean-Danton Laffert 2019. Ars Electronica Festival 2019 (AT).Talk: Chilean artist at Ars Electronica. Linz, Austria. Camilo Gouet, Karin Astudillo and Jean-Danton Laffert 2019. University of Barcelona and Elisava School of Design. Talk: Meditative Symbiosis Talk: transdisciplinarity at the crossing art-science. Karin Astudillo and Jean-Danton Laffert |